How To Get a Child Sleep Consultant Certification Online

It’s easier than ever to launch an online business, but it’s not always easy to determine what type of business is right for you and will meet your needs as an individual. In this article, we are going to dive into all of the ins and outs of becoming a sleep consultant so you can determine if this is the right path for you!

Why Should I Become a Certified Child Sleep Consultant?

Becoming a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant is both a fulfilling career, and can be highly lucrative. It provides the ability to work from home on a schedule that fits both your family life and your family’s needs while still taking great care of your clients and the families you are supporting.

What Are the Benefits of Being a Sleep Consultant?

As a Sleep Consultant, you have the ability to run your own business, make your own schedule and determine how much you will earn. The sky is truly the limit when it comes to income AND you get to earn what you want while you are doing other things that are most important to you in your life.

Imagine being able to meet or exceed what you are currently earning in your full-time job without having to work long hours away from home. Set your own schedule and never limit yourself or your earnings again!

How To Get a Child Sleep Consultant Certification

Now that you’ve decided you are ready to become a Certified Sleep Consultant, it’s time to take the first steps to becoming certified and launching your business! Let’s dive into the details of how you can make this happen.

Research Accredited Certified Sleep Consultant Programs

The first step is going to be determining which program you are going to choose to become certified through. This is one of the most important decisions you will make along the way, so take your time here!

It is really important to start by looking at which programs are accredited through the International Association of Professional Sleep Consultants. The Cradle Coach Academy is an approved certification program through ASPSC, which requires an extensive review and maintenance of high standards of the program contents and support included.

Enroll in a Comprehensive Sleep Training Program

There are many Sleep Consultant certification programs out there and it can be hard to choose the right one! We will get into more details on how to choose the right program a little later, but for now, just ensure that you are looking into programs that cover more than just one or two methods and programs that include business training and mentorship. These are all highly important pieces to your success!

With our program, you receive access to the course materials instantly upon enrollment so you can dig in and get started right away.

Complete Required Coursework and Assignments

The very first step to becoming a successful Sleep Consultant is learning everything you need to know to actually provide the services that will help the families you work with transform their lives with healthy sleep habits and overall improved sleep! Whether a family is facing short naps, frequent night wakings, or a combination of these two plus more, they will rely on you to help them through it!

If you don’t know how to help them with sleep problems, you won’t be able to provide incredible results and your business won’t grow. Families will rely on you to have the knowledge and skillset to help them through difficult circumstances with their children’s sleep issues and be the supportive shoulder to lean on as needed throughout the process.

We teach you all sleep training methods and how to identify which sleep plan methods will work best with the specific family you are working with based on a variety of factors. PLUS you have the support of our team and your peers in our private student and graduate community to fall back on any time you face a particularly challenging case and need some support.

You are provided with homework throughout this process that is specifically intended to help you launch your business with as little friction as possible. You will submit your homework to us and get valuable feedback and input on that homework in real-time. This homework then serves as material for your future website, social media content, and more!

Gain Hands-on Experience Through Mentorship Programs

This is where the real magic happens! You will learn how to actually work with clients in the second section of the program. What good is all that knowledge if you don’t know how to implement it in real life?!

We teach you how to write out sleep plans that will help your clients get incredible results, and we give you feedback and input every step of the way so you never have to guess if you are on the right track. You are then assigned an expert mentor who will be by your virtual side as you work with five volunteer clients to gain hands-on experience with support.

We help you find these volunteers with the least friction possible and then guide you through the process of working with them so that you can help them get the results that they came to you for and they can become your first testimonials! This process usually leads to referrals and your first paying clients once you launch your business. Win, win, win!

Business Building Made Easy

The next, and final step of the certification process is to learn how to launch and grow your business as a sleep consultant. We help you every step of the way by providing everything you need to know to get your business set up legally and practically.

Here’s a quick overview of what to expect in this section:

  1. How to set up your business from scratch so you can launch with confidence from a legal standpoint
  2. What to include on your website and social media pages to stand out and help families learn about you and what you have to offer (language to use, pricing of packages and more!)
  3. How to market yourself, conduct sales conversations and find clients!

This is such a critical piece of the puzzle for anyone who is looking to launch your own business vs. working for someone else and it an important aspect that should not be discounted. Without this inclusion in a certification program, you would be spending $1,000 or more on additional courses to help you through this process, but it’s all included in our program from the start!

Child and Baby Sleep Consultants Certification Cost

Just like with anything else, the cost of certification programs vary, and more expensive doesn’t always mean better. There are programs that cost up to $10,000 (with additional ongoing fees) and then other programs that cost under $2,000. The Cradle Coach Academy’s certification program is currently priced at $3,940 when paid in full, with payment plan options available as well.

When deciding if becoming a certified sleep consultant is worth the investment to you, I want you to think about how your life would truly change if you went down this path. We have graduates earning well over six figures a year and who earned back their investment in the first month following graduation.

This isn’t going to be the case for everyone, but even if you went on to earn an average of $3,000 a month, wouldn’t that be worth it to you and your family?

Choosing the Right Certification Program

Ensure that you are asking the right questions when researching Sleep Consulting certification programs. Four very important aspects to understand are:

  1. What sleep training methods are taught in the program? Many programs only teach one or two methods, which means that you will not learn how to support families with all different backgrounds, parenting styles and personalities. It’s vital to understand all methods so you can properly support all families who come your way. The Cradle Coach Academy teaches all methods.
  2. What support is included, and for how long? Is there any extra payment required for support? Becoming a Sleep Consultant is not an easy task. You will have questions when you start working with families and will need additional support along the way.

    TCCA provides lifetime access to a private community with all students, grads and expert mentors who support you through every step of your journey. This is included in the original purchase price and you never have to pay to gain access to this support again.

  3. What information is included when it comes to launching a business and finding clients? If you are planning on starting your own company rather than working for someone else, this is critical. You need to understand the steps that need to be taken to launch your business and how you can actually find paying clients when it’s all said and done.
  4. What ages does the program teach you to support? The majority, if not all, programs only cover ages newborn through about age 4 or 5. If you decide you want to work with older children, you would need to purchase a separate program to support your education in that area. TCCA has an entire module walking you through strategies to use with preschool and school-aged children so that you are prepared to support families up to (and beyond) the age of 7 years old. No need to purchase another program, it’s all included!

What Do You Learn in Child or Baby Sleep Consultant Training Courses?

In our self paced Sleep Consulting certification program, you will learn everything that you need to know when it comes to supporting families with improving their child’s sleep and how to launch your own successful child sleep consulting business.

Within a short 2-3 months (average time for completion of the program), you could be launching your new business and career as a sleep coach, changing families lives every single day and changing your own life in the process.

What Can I Expect To Earn as a Sleep Consultant?

I get this question often and I love it! You can expect to earn on average $300-700 per family that you work with. Most of our graduates are charging $500 and up for their 2-week packages, and it takes a sleep coach around 2 hours to complete the work in total with a family during that time.

Let’s look at how this breaks down using the lower end of the average package price as a calculation to be conservative! If you choose to work part-time (25-30 hours per month) and work with 6 families per month, you would earn $1,800+ per month.

If you chose to work a little more and worked on average 40-55 hours per month, working with 10 clients, you would earn $3,000+ per month.

If you decide to go all in and make this your full-time career, working around 90-105 hours per month and serving 20 clients in that timeframe, you could earn $6,000 or more every month.

Keep in mind, that these calculations are all using the low end of the average package price, so if you charge more you will earn even more.

As Sleep Coaches get more established, they often choose to add in passive income sources as well, such as courses and guides that do not require one on one client work and bring in additional income. The sky (and your willingness to put in the work to make it happen) is truly the limit!


How Long Does It Typically Take To Complete a Child Sleep Consultant Certification Program?

The Cradle Coach Academy’s Sleep Consulting program takes on average two to three months to complete. You get lifetime access to our program and all inclusions, so you can go at a pace that works for you.

We have students who dive straight in and work through the material and volunteer work quickly and have completed it in less than two months, while we have other students who choose to work through it more slowly and take a year or longer to complete it.

Because you get lifetime access and it is fully self paced, you get to decide what this looks like for you!

Can I Specialize in Specific Age Groups or Sleep Issues During the Certification Process?

We provide all of the knowledge you need to feel confident in supporting children of all ages between newborns up to the age of 7 years. Many of our graduates have decided to specialize in a child development-specific age range or specific sleep issues and have found the knowledge to do so within our program.

We always recommend specializing in one way or another, whether it is choosing to become a sleep consultant who works primarily with breastfed babies, toddlers or preschoolers age-range or focusing on helping families with a fostering or adoption background. This is likely something that you will determine once you have launched your business and are working as a sleep coach and you begin to identify which families you resonate most with and want to specialize in.

Can Individuals With a Non-Medical Background Pursue Child Sleep Consultant Certification?

It is completely false that only medical professionals can become sleep consultants. While having a background in a related field can certainly help, it is not required or necessary to be successful in this field.

Is There Assistance Provided for Transitioning Into a Career as a Child Sleep Consultant After Certification?

Upon graduation, The Cradle Coach Academy course helps you launch a company that is 100% fully your own or gives you the proper information on how to get hired as a sleep consultant for an existing company!

Either way, this doesn’t mean you’re alone in doing so. TCCA is a community of vibrant, goal-oriented, encouraging women that you will be part of for a lifetime! We have questions constantly being shared within our private Facebook community, special workshops and retreats for TCCA grads, and peer-to-peer mentorship that you will always have access to.

You’re not in this alone, and we want all of our graduates to reach the heights of success. We’ll do whatever we can to help guide you there! And all of this is included in your initial tuition payment – no additional fees are included.

When Will I Make My Money Back on the Cost of the Course?

Once you have graduated from The Cradle Coach Academy, the growth of the business is up to you. How quickly you earn back your investment is based on how much you’re willing to hustle and serve your clients well. We have had some graduates reimburse their full tuition payment in under 1 month, while others took 4-6 months after launching their company.

How Does a Sleep Consultancy Operate?

If you choose to run your own sleep coaching business, you get to determine your own schedule and how you will work with clients. We provide guidance on creating your packages and what we have found works best when working with families, but you are the boss and get to serve clients in the way that works best for your lifestyle.

For further insight into a day in the life as a sleep consultant, keep an eye out for our new podcast that will be launched on February 26th where we will have an episode that covers just that!

The Bottom Line

Pediatric Sleep Consultants earn anywhere from $60-$150/hour and can easily make between $30,000-$150,000 + per year. How much you earn in this profession depends solely on how much work you put into it and how many clients you take on. If you are starting your own practice, you will have the freedom to create your own competitive pricing and set your own hours.

A career as a Certified Sleep Consultant can give you the time freedom that you’ve been seeking and can help you meet your financial goals, no matter how lofty they may be!

Ready to take the leap into your new career? Learn more about our program here or schedule a call with our owner, Marli, to discuss your specific goals and questions!

You CAN do this and you were made for this!



Learn how it's possible for you to launch your sleep consulting business from the ground up in 3 months or less, whether you have a business background or not!

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In this instant-access training, we will:

Learn How to Start a Sleep Consulting business that will allow you to leave your 8-5 working Part-Time hours

  • Take you on an exclusive, behind-the-scenes tour of our proven program, to show you why our students get certified, launch and grow their business in 90 days or less
  • Show you a day in the life of a sleep consultant and the ways we set you up for success
  • Demonstrate the TCCA difference and what it means to be a student and graduate with us