Alyssa Wall is an entrepreneur, wife, nurse and most importantly a mama of one. As a first time mom, she felt super naive to how incredibly challenging it would be to manage the sleep of an infant. Her daughter’s sleep challenges taught her how quickly sleep deprivation takes a toll and how important sleep was for the healthy functioning and wellbeing of her entire family. After many sleepless nights and in desperation to help her daughter learn healthy sleep habits and independent sleep skills, she started working with a sleep consultant.

 It didn’t take long before the entire family was sleeping better and they were able to achieve a healthier routine with more balance, which improved their lives dramatically. Once her daughter was sleeping through the night Alyssa started to feel more like herself again and was able to truly enjoy being a new mom. This experience ultimately led her to become extremely passionate about wanting to help other exhausted parents improve their children’s sleep, so she enrolled in the baby and toddler sleep consultant certification. She has now been working as a Pediatric Sleep Consultant for almost 8 months and has loved every minute that she gets to help families achieve their own sleep goals.

Alyssa works with The Slumber Nest. You can find them at and

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